Change the height of the header in DataGridView

What is DataGridView?

DataGirdView the software tool used in Microsoft application program development. Which represents table structure of columns and rows presented in UI (user interface).To adjust the height of the column headers pro-grammatically use the AutoResizeColumnHeadersHeight method or set the ColumnHeadersHeight property.

It is used to display a collection of records fetched database to present client with good visuals.

How simple to change header size?
When you are developer dealing with binding data from database to UI, I'm sure you have used.
Now, client requests that the entire application showing DataGridView in c# should have header row size should be larger than the default one.
What you can do now is go to your application form that is windows form (datagridview winform), and press F7 takes you to designer view or else go to code behind file.
Try to locate your DataGridView contol, let's say you have named to 'dGridCompanies'. 
Copy below all the code snippet and paste in Initialization method  

this.dGridCompanies.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.EnableResizing;
this.dGridCompanies.ColumnHeadersHeight = 60;
this.dGridCompanies.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.DisableResizing;
How is DataGridView control looks like after changing header size?

Below are the results when you change DataGridview header size to 60px.